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Program advertising

We are excited to be producing digital play programs and offering online and pre-show projection advertising! We are offering one size of ad this season.


Ads will be displayed on monitors in the auditorium at each performance, shown in the digital play program, and on the ACT website at


Please consider being an ACT season advertiser, showing the community your support for the arts. This season we are offering one size ad that will run all season and reach: Up to 1,860 individuals for each of our six Main Stage shows through visible name recognition as your ad scrolls on our large monitors in the lobby 60 minutes before showtime. Monitors are also scrolling in the theatre 30 minutes before showtime and during intermission. An average of 2,000 individuals visit ACT’s website and can view your ad in the digital play program.


Category: Full Screen/Projection
Viewing Dimensions: WIDTH: 1920px  x HEIGHT: 1080px
Season Tickets Included: 4 Tickets ($100 Value)
Price: $400


Artwork Specifications and Submission Instructions: All ads are displayed in color. Artwork should be supplied in a high-resolution, "ready-to-print" format. Ad dimensions must be a width to height ratio of 16:9 (1.78:1) and be a minimum of width 1920 x height 1080 pixels in resolution. Submit ads as either jpeg (or PDF at 300 dpi) via e-mail to


How To Submit Your Advertiser Form


Please complete the form below or mail a completed form to ACT Advertising, 209 Cedar Street, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034. Make checks payable to Amelia Community Theatre. Submit your payment and ad, for your ad to begin running in all ACT Main Stage shows in ACT's current season. Ads submitted will be included as soon as possible in upcoming shows and events. Questions? Call ACT at (904) 261-6749.


Thank you for advertising with Amelia Community Theatre!


If you would like to use a credit card, you may pay in-person, or the ACT Box Office will call you to process your payment over the phone. Simply indicate your payment option, below.

You may also download a PDF of the Advertising Form HERE.

For Payment: (Please Select One)

Thank you for advertising with ACT!


Remember to submit your ad to!

Compass AD 24-25.jpg

Our Mission: To enhance the quality of life of our local (and extended) community by providing excellent, innovative theatrical and artistic experiences through presentation, participation, and education.

Box Office Hours

Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

The Box Office is open 90 minutes before performance times.

207 & 209 Cedar Street, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034     (904) 261-6749

ACT is s a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit registered in the U.S.

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